No. There is no monetary value assigned to Kindred credits, and they cannot be purchased. Kindred is a give-to-get community, and members can only earn credits by contributing to the community.

We do not allow for the purchase of credits in order to keep Kindred a true peer-to-peer network instead of a platform for rental businesses. If credits were resellable, investors would be incentivized to join. Our belief is that the world doesn't need just another short-term rental platform – it needs an actual peer-to-peer sharing economy.

Members earn Kindred credits in one of three ways:

  1. Newly accepted members receive “starter” credits after completing their home profile. This allows new members to try out staying before hosting.
  2. Members earn credits by by hosting other members. One night given equals one night earned, regardless of home value.
  3. Members can also earn credits by referring friends who are accepted to join Kindred