On Kindred, you earn credits by hosting others, and can use those credits later on to book stays. If you don’t have enough credits to book a trip of the length you’d like, there are a few things you can do: 

  1. Look for a reciprocal swap. By hosting someone at your house while you stay in theirs, you are essentially earning and spending credits at the same time, and so you don’t need a positive future credit balance to book. 
  2. Host other members. You earn 1 credit for each night a fellow member books a stay in your home. At times and in high-demand areas, we also give fractional credits just for adding the availability, whether or not it’s booked.
  3. Refer new members. You’ll receive 2 credits every time a member who applied with your personal invite code is accepted. You can find your invite code in the Kindred app.   

We typically do not allow members to dip into the negative to ensure fairness across Kindred.