We try our best to ensure that trips go according to plan, but we know that sometimes life happens! Our cancellation policy is intended to ensure Kindred members have a consistent and predictable experience when booking travel, while also accommodating reasonable flexibility for changing plans.

Trip Cancellations

  • To cancel a stay, Members must notify their concierge in app, or email (hello@livekindred.com).
  • Members can cancel without penalty up to 30 days before the Guest’s arrival date. Hosts will not receive credits for trips they cancel.
  • Any cancellations within 30 days of the Guest’s arrival date will be considered a “Late Cancellation”. Kindred reserves the right to review the account of Members with repeated Late Cancellations and terminate their membership, or impose other penalties in Kindred’s discretion including but not limited to deducting accrued credits, or requesting compensation up to $400/trip in order to help find alternative accommodations for the Guest. This is not intended to be punitive, but to protect our Members' experience.
  • If a Guest cancels a trip within 30 days of the start date, the credits from the length of the stay will be debited from the Guest’s account and credited to the Host (maximum of 7 credits) and they will forfeit their service fee.
  • Since we pride ourselves on the integrity of our platform and will endeavor to fulfill the intended effect of a Kindred stay, if a Host cancels a confirmed stay within 30 days of the trip start date, we will do our best to find the Guest alternative accommodations at other Kindred homes for the confirmed duration for no additional cost. If there are no such alternative  accommodations available, Kindred will, in its sole discretion, either:
  • Reimburse the credits, service fee, and cleaning fee of the stay; or
  • Help secure third-party accommodations, up to a maximum of $250 per night for 2 guests (+ $100 for each additional guest) up to 7 nights.
  • The cleaning fee is generally refundable if a reservation is canceled by either the Guest or the Host. However, if the Guest cancels within 2 days before the start date, the cleaning fee will be refunded less a $50 cancellation fee.
  • If any member has violated Kindred’s Member Code of Conduct or Terms of Service, any and all booked trips can be canceled immediately and without notice by Kindred.

Trip Changes

  • Members may choose to extend their stay at any time and pay the additional credits and service fee.
  • If Members choose to shorten their stay more than 30 days before their confirmed arrival date, Kindred will refund the difference in credits and the service fee. If, however, Members shorten their stay within 30 days of their confirmed arrival date, they will forfeit the difference in credits and the service fee.