Our goal is for Kindred to be a friendly, safe, and inclusive environment for all members, including those who are assisted by service animals. If you travel with a service animal or require any other kind of accommodation, we’d love to give you special attention to find home swap options that work well for your needs.

Service animals must be disclosed to the host as part of the original trip request. If you travel with a service animal, we invite you to register them to your account by sending an email to hello@livekindred.com with their name, breed, size, and shedding/non-shedding status. Our concierge will help you find fabulous swapportunities that can accommodate your service animal.

Unlike hotels or vacation rentals, Kindred homes are private places of residence not bookable by the general public, and regulations like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) do not cover private residences. Just as each person's private residence is not required to be wheelchair accessible, it is similarly not legally required that Kindred members accommodate service animals in their homes, so we must always get the host’s permission in advance.

That said, we find that most Kindred members are happy to accept animals in their homes, and we strive to foster an environment of mutual respect, earnest effort, and open communication to help members find home swaps that work for their particular needs, whatever those needs may be.